Posts Tagged ‘Binging’

If this is your first time going through alcohol withdrawal, it may actually be one of the scariest and most painful things you’ll experience. I know..

So you’ve been drinking for a while, to cope with something. It always comes down to that. No one pours copious amounts of poison down their throat for days/weeks/months on end while creating sometimes a train wreck behind them. Affecting relationships, health, work and creating big financial problems.

If you are reading this and are currently going through serious withdrawal – you probably need to call your doctor or potentially emergency services. I know because it’s happened to me. Even though it’s embarrassing, even though you are ashamed. It’s difficult to gauge how sick you may be and what danger you may be in – you need someone objective. Long term alcohol use and then stopping causes a range of disturbances in the body and in the worst case can cause death if you go into seizures. 2 important neurotransmitters are affected, namely GABA and glutamate which throws your body and mind out of whack.

First time withdrawing.

If you don’t feel that terrible and it’s some light sweating, some cravings etc, then keep yourself busy. Go for a walk, watch some movies. Slow down your drinking by tapering. Get in fluids and nutrition, maybe a cold shower if you can. There is some guidance online – Guidance on tapering off alcohol.

BUT be aware, no matter how clever you think you are and no matter what willpower you think you have – it can be really difficult to do on your own. So talk to someone. Worst comes to worst you may need to pay for someone to help. But paying in the short term, and being upfront will cost you less in the long run. There are many famous and wonderful people who have been down this road. You are struggling & there is far less taboo these days. Seek help. Tell someone.


There’s a range of symptoms while this is happening. It’s useful to break them down in severity.

Less Serious

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Agitation
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Fast heart rate
  • Mild confusion/ less ability to think clearly
  • Nightmares
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Losing Appetite

More Serious – Seek treatment as soon as possible

  • Fever
  • Severe agitation.
  • Severe confusion. eg getting lost, not knowing how to make a phone call, how to go about doing something you do everyday.
  • High blood pressure
  • Tachicardia
  • Hallucinations.

I avoided treatment because I was so ashamed and angry that I had gotten myself in this situation. & on top of that hearing things from people like “Have you ever thought about cutting down your drinking?” – Ofcourse I freakin have. That’s why I’m withdrawing. Some people just go a slippery slope and others are lucky. Don’t pay to much mind to people that can’t understand – it’s not their fault. Just get yourself help and then you can deal with getting your life together afterwards.

Longer term help

There is a range of resources available like social media groups, books, podcasts, communities. You can find the one for you. Even if it’s just confiding in loved ones.

I will be gathering some of my favourites for a future post.